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Kirk Bowden

2018 Newmarket Honouree

Kirk Bowden, Partner and Financial Security Advisor with Southlake Wealth and Estate Group, is fortunate to work in a career that allows him to give back to his community, and he spends that time every week helping at the Newmarket Food Pantry.

The first time Kirk showed up at the food pantry, he brought a trunk full of turkeys so people could enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner. Little did Kirk know how many people relied on this community service. When he offered a turkey to a lady exiting the pantry, she said, “Are you serious?” Kirk shared that he and his friend had decided to something extra special that Thanksgiving, and she started to cry, saying, “Thank you very much; I can now go home and tell my family we will have a Thanksgiving dinner this year.” From that day forward Kirk was hooked.

Each time Kirk volunteers he feels rewarded by witnessing how his contribution is putting food on the table for so many families. The turkey drive began with just twenty turkeys, and currently at Christmas the need has grown to an astounding 720. Kirk says that the feeling of getting the support from the community to make all this possible is immeasurable.

In the coming years, he would love to see a community kitchen built in Newmarket, where he would in fact cook the meals, as well as provide education on cooking and how to help people stretch their groceries when on a tight budget. A little seed has been planted.

When people observe Kirk volunteering, many ask how they too can help. He uses his social media outlets to raise awareness for the food pantry which is quickly resulting in others getting more involved. Even though today’s society seems so busy, Kirk believes most people do want to give back, and therefore, bringing attention to the organizations that need volunteers makes a huge difference.

Kirk’s caring and unselfish nature is also evident as he assists at Southlake Regional Hospital on their patient family advisory council to help enhance the experience at Southlake. The hospital is a blessing to the community, and it’s just one more way Kirk is happy to contribute.

Kirk believes that there is much wisdom in people and organizations reviewing and evaluating how they spread their vision and mission socially. This can take the shape of giving back to one’s community, being more environmentally conscientious, and raising awareness when businesses and individuals reach their goals.

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