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Julianne Goyette

2020 Newmarket Honouree

Juliane Goyette is a Financial Advisor and Responsible Investment Specialist with HollisWealth Investia, current treasurer and board member of the Newmarket Food Pantry, and sponsor of the HollisWealth StoryPod, a book-sharing opportunity at Riverwalk Commons in Newmarket.

Since Juliane was just twelve years old, she worked alongside her father in the same field she’s in today. Both her parents inspired her generosity immensely. Her mother was a nurse, a job she was drawn to out of her innate caring and desire to help others. Her father was always involved in the community and volunteering with service groups.

What really impacted Juliane’s journey was the work her father did with the Crime Stoppers of York Region. In 1995, he began an annual golf tournament to raise funds for them at Carrying Place Golf Course and had her help run the event. This spurred Juliane on so much so that, since then, her giving hasn’t stopped.

Juliane believes that the key to a successful life is to make a difference in someone else’s. She says that you don’t need money to do this, emphasizing that we all have other resources we can draw from whether it’s our time, energy, intellect, or our heart.

Also very passionate about the food pantry, she feels strongly that everyone deserves food on the table. Their volunteers work to maintain a three-day emergency food supply to the more than 1,300 people who walk through their doors each month.

Another wonderful project that resonates deeply with Juliane is her Annual Sock Drive where she collects over 500 socks for Inn from the Cold, women’s shelters, and schools in the region. It all began in 2015. One of her clients, a resource teacher at a local school, had a student body with a lot of children in need, many of whom came to class without socks (not by choice but because they didn’t have any).

This one year, she had taken approximately 250 pairs of socks and dropped them off to the school for the kids. That Christmas, because of the number of socks collected, as well as some other items, the teachers there partnered with another school in a low-income area and created a shopping type of experience for the kids. The brand-new socks were all put out on a table. The room had other tables with various items but, as the teachers reported back, the students went crazy for the socks and all of them were gone within minutes! Juliane will never forget how that made her feel. It is moments like this one—where others are affected by just small acts of kindness—that truly inspire Juliane to continue helping others.

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