King Township Honouree 2022
Susan Heslop Porter has called Schomberg home since 2000. Retiring in 2016 from a forty-year sales career in the promotional products industry, she sought out opportunities to support businesses and residents in her community. Susan launched the Schomberg Community Facebook group as a positive and safe space for sharing information, asking questions, and looking for help and guidance. The difference that a group of like-minded and motivated people can make, shone through during the pandemic. Thanks to donations from community members, gift cards and prizes were bought, and raffles and contests were held, to raise an impressive $6,000 to support struggling businesses, and over $10,000 for the local food bank. Susan’s compassion and willingness to get involved helped raise over $35,000 for SickKids in Toronto. She responded to a local family’s request to plan an event to thank the community for the kindness they’d shown during little five-year-old Abby’s ongoing care and treatments as a result of severe heart defects she’d had since birth. The community group is always willing to help families who have fallen on hard times and have come to the aid of people who have suffered fires to get back on their feet.
The best feeling for Susan is seeing people get the support they need and knowing that, even if she doesn’t get the credit, she’s made a difference.
Susan has always worked hard and followed her father’s footsteps in many ways including in her career. Right out of high school she worked fulltime, went to college at night, and volunteered her time, becoming chairperson of their association’s board of directors in 1993 and in 2004, and a Promotional Products Hall of Fame inductee, just like her dad.
Susan and her husband Greg Porter met and married later in life. They have one son together, Jake, who just turned fifteen, and Greg has a thirty-six-year-old son, Chris.
When the pandemic hit, like so many, Susan hunkered down with her family. Not long after, she found her health and overall wellbeing starting to decline and, at the age of sixty-two, she recognized the need to make some changes. This involved maintaining a positive mindset so as not to get drawn into the persistent negativity she was seeing and feeling, losing the extra weight she’d gained, and getting her health under control. She joined a weight loss group online and shed thirty-six pounds and learned how to eat healthier and listen to her body. This had such an impact on Susan that she brought others into the fold who’ve been able to do the same.
In 2021, Susan’s husband decided to sell his business and join Susan in retirement. They have just completed building a lakefront cottage and are enjoying sharing it with family and friends.