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Julia Suppa

Updated: May 31, 2023

Vaughan Honouree 2022

Julia Suppa is a professional storyteller and producer, community supporter, and active volunteer. She runs her own media company called Suppa Media, and when she’s not creating content for others, you can find her online @simplysuppa or behind a camera lens. She also loves to cook, dance, and spend time with her husband, two daughters, and dog, Rex.

Julia is the proud recipient of the City of Vaughan Volunteer Achievement Award, a Community Spirit Award nominee, and Hope Award honouree for her work raising awareness for breast cancer. She supports a variety of different causes every single year including the Canadian Cancer Society CIBC Run for the Cure, the York Region Purse Project, Run for Women, Handfull Hearts, Shoebox Project, the Markham Stouffville Hospital, and Mackenzie Health Richmond Hill and Cortellucci-Vaughan Hospitals.

When Julia reflects on all the memorable experiences she’s had, it is difficult to pinpoint one as being more impactful than another. For her, it’s more about the feeling that comes from giving back and helping those in need, that sense of immense pride that you are a part of something bigger—a movement to elicit change, be it through fundraising or advocacy, organizing an event, or participating on a committee.

She often uses her own personal experiences to propel her support; for example, after her eldest daughter was born prematurely, she became an advocate for preemie and NICU causes. The people in her community and network also inspire her to give back. Through meeting others and learning their stories, it’s natural for Julia to engage in causes and activities and to offer her assistance wherever possible. If you can help, why wouldn’t you, says Julia.

Most people believe that giving back only means financial assistance and that’s not true. When Julia learns about a new cause or organization, she often simply asks how she can help. Individuals, committees, and organizations all need some support. And a little effort can go a long way.

As for her resilience during these times, Julia has always been a champion of working hard and playing hard. Whether it’s taking a walk with loved ones through the amazing York Region trails or enjoying a meal with friends and family, she says the pandemic has reminded us, among other things, to savour these moments. Julia’s favourite place is near the water—picture a cozy cottage retreat—where she feels her best and is able to recharge. She continues to discover ways to do what she loves amidst her busy schedule; she’s even started tap dancing again. At the same time, Julia is dedicated to making more room in her life for what calms her like gardening and, of course, spending more quality time with her children, parents, and family.

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