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Chantal Bennett
2023 YRP Honouree Chantal Bennett is a Registered Social Worker with York Regional Police (YRP) and has been a part of the team since...

Gary Miner
2023 YRP Honouree “I’ve had people help me along in my own life, so it’s a matter of being able to recognize an opportunity to pay it...

Lou Malbeuf
2017 YRP Honouree A York Regional Police officer since 1985, Lou Malbeuf has always tried to live their motto every day, DEEDS SPEAK. ...

Tom Carrique
2019 York Regional Police (YRP) Tom Carrique commenced his career with York Regional Police in 1990, working in roles such as Uniform...

Chief Jolliffe
2020 York Regional Police (YRP) Born and raised in York Region, Chief Eric Jolliffe began his career with the Edmonton Police Service in...

Andre Crawford
York Regional Police (YRP) 2021 Deputy Chief André Crawford (retired 2020) was born and raised in Jamaica and immigrated to Canada with...

Sgt. Mina Rahravan and Susan Gibbs
YRP Honourees 2022 York Region Police (YRP) Portraits of Giving Honourees for 2022 are Sergeant Mina Rahravan, serving within the...
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